We create connections for you with the brands we represent, focusing on obtaining collaborations for you on products that you find genuinely useful and enjoyable to promote on your chosen platform, be it Instagram, YouTube or a blog.
BabaSocial started with a vision of providing a simplistic and mutually beneficial way for Influencers and brands to partner on social media. Today we are proud to host a strong community of parents from around the world that are looking for great products to support parenthood and offer recommendations to their audience.

Each brand has its own criteria for collaborating and we work hard to create a mutually beneficial partnership. We would love to hear from you if you have any particular creative suggestions on how to translate a product via your platform. Please refer to our full Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy
From creating an account with us, our team reviews your details to make sure we are able to offer you opportunities. If we can, your account is active and you can begin to request collaborations.
Your request is then reviewed by the brand and if approved we onboard you and provide a detailed brief.
We are then on hand to assist for the life of the collaboration and you will recieve info relevant to your partnership.

It's very important to consider the content requirements and timescales for each collaboration.
We know life is busy and want every collaboration to be enjoyable and managable.
Delivering content in theme with the brief helps best reflect on you to brands which leads to further opportunities.
You will reecieve a full mood board with inspiration for creating your content, we wuold also recommend visiting the brands Instagram account to gain insights into how they showcase products to their audience. However if you still need help please get in touch at collaborate@babasocial.com